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Build your bowel to work at its best

Build your bowel to work at its best

The digestive system is really the corner stone of our wellbeing, as it is involved in so many processes. It is responsible for breaking down the foods we eat, extracting the nutrients needed, and then finally eliminating the waste. The problem is that poor food choices, viruses, parasites, alcohol, antibiotics, NSAIDs, and bad bacteria can all cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

There are many other illnesses that can inflict the gastrointestinal tract such as inflammatory bowel conditions, Crohn’s disease, ulcerated colitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.  Having irregular bowel movements or poor bowel health can leave us with feelings of fullness, wind, bloating, lethargy and generally not feeling that good. Keeping our entire gastrointestinal system healthy is vital to our wellness and vitality. Thanks to natures storeroom there are many natural ways of repairing and maintaining optimal digestive health and function.

Nature’s Sunshine Bowel Build is a top selling, top to tail, gastrointestinal formula, specifically designed to support healthy digestive and intestinal function. It provides digestive enzymes and fibre to aid smooth digestion in the upper gastrointestinal tract, along with ingredients to provide bulk to encourage proper flow of waste through the colon so you can stay regular.

Bowel Build is ideal as we get older as the digestive and elimination processes weaken and we produce fewer enzymes. Those who are inactive or have sedentary jobs and suffer from digestive discomfort or poor elimination can include this as a daily maintenance formula.

You can view the Nature's Sunshine Bowel Build here

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