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Recommended Calcium Intake For New Zealanders

Recommended Calcium Intake For New Zealanders

Calcium is vital in the formation of strong bones & teeth & also for the maintenance of regular heartbeat & the transmission of nerve impulses. It is needed for muscle growth & contraction & for the prevention of muscle cramps.

Recommended Calcium Intake for New Zealanders

Age mg Calcium per day
Young Children (1-3 yrs) 500
Children (4-8 yrs) 700
Older Children (9-11 yrs) 1000
Adolescents (12-18 yrs) 1300
Men & Women (19-70 yrs)
Men over 70 & Women after menopause 1300
Pregnant & Breastfeeding Women 1500-1800mg


Type of Food Approx Serving Size Approx Measurement Calcium (milligrams)
Whole milk 1 cup 244 ml 291
Low fat milk 2% 1 cup 244 ml 297
Cheese 2 slices 28 grams 204
Edam 2 slices 28 grams 207
Sour cream 1 cup 230 grams 268
Cottage cheese (low fat) 1 cup 226 grams 155
Yoghurt (plain) 1 cup 227 grams 274
Yoghurt (plain, low fat)) 1 cup 227 grams 415
Ice cream (vanilla) 1/2 cup 60 grams 88
Egg (boiled) 1 50 grams 28
Tofu 3 x 2.5 cm cubes 125 grams 200
Tinned fish with bones 1/2 large tin 110 grams 300
Sardines 2 24 grams 92
Shrimps - 85 grams 33
Snapper (baked) - 85 grams 34
Avocado 1 200 grams 22
Kiwifruit 1 76 grams ml 20
Orange 1 130 grams 52
Rhubarb 1 cup 122 grams 105
Alfalfa sprouts 1 cup 33 grams 10
Broccoli (cooked) 1/2 cup 78 grams 89
Spinach (cooked) 1/2 cup 90 grams 122
Potato (boiled) 1 135 grams 10
Soybeans (cooked) 1 cup 172 grams 175
Chickpeas (cooked) 1 cup 164 grams 80
Tahini 1 tablespoon 10 grams 120
Peanuts (dry, roasted) 1 cup 244 ml 291
Low fat milk 2% 1 handful 28 grams 15
Hazelnut 1 handful 28 grams 53
Sunflower seeds 1 handful 28 grams 33
Wheat bread 1 slice 24 grams 30
Blackstrap Molasses 1 tablespoon 20 grams 137

Note: Dosages and suggestions are general guidelines only. The calcium content of individual food items may vary with different manufacturers. In all cases of calcium deficiency, you should seek the advice of a registered health practitioner.

Recommended Calcium intake sourced from

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