Calming settling. Manufactured from Monkshood, Aconite is best used in acute conditions which begin suddenly. Often accompanied by restlessness and fear, sometimes resulting in palpitations, panic attacks or agoraphobia.
Homoeopathy is a unique system of medicine that aims to promote good health by using micro-doses of medicament which work to stimulate the body's own defence system. Homoeopathy is a non-drug therapy that is based on the principle of 'like cures like'. Homeopathic remedies have no side effects, are gentle enough to be used by all the family and can be used with any other forms of medication.
Aconite symptoms appear suddenly and violently often at night. They may appear after catching a chill or after a fright. Fear or extreme anxiety may accompany symptoms. Aconite is an important remedy for high fevers with extreme thirst and sweat. Major remedy for violent, dry, croupy coughs. Best used at the beginning of an illness. Aconite is for the child who catches cold on getting wet. Hot, dry skin. Feverish thirst for cold water. Restless tossing at night. Give this medicine in the early stages before the condition becomes well established. Can also be used in the case of panic attacks or fear of flying.
Aconite in a potency cord of 6c,12c,15c,30c.
Up to 6 doses, then 3 times a day as required.
Keep out of reach of Children. Liquid and oral spray remedies are generally better given to babies and very young children than tablets. Tablet remedies are manufactured using a base of lactose (milk sugar). They are usually safe for diabetics, however professional advice should be sought if in doubt. They are not suitable for anyone with lactose intolerance. It is recommended that tablets not be given to babies and very young children. Liquid remedies are manufactured using a small amount of ethyl alcohol as a preservative in a water base. In a suggested dose (4 drops of liquid or 2 sprays of the oral spray) the quantity of alcohol per dose is so small as to be of no consequence. There has never been a recorded case of any harm coming to a mother or child at any time in pregnancy as a result of using homeopathic remedies. Likewise, there has never been a recorded case of harm coming to a baby when homeopathic remedies have been used during breastfeeding in accordance with directions for use.