The Anti-inflammatory Food Guide Laminated Chart. Defining inflammation and the role of nutrition in controlling inflammation. If you are like me and suffer with chronic inflammation, be aware that your diet ie the foods you eat, can be a major contributor to continuing this inflammation in the body. This laminated chart was developed by Auckland Naturopath Kathleen Cole, using the knowledge she has about inflammation and the food we eat. This chart clearly lists anti-inflammatory foods and inflammatory foods. On the back is very detailed information about the role of nutrition in controlling inflammation. A must have for anyone wanting to get their inflammation under control. 1 laminated Chart.
This is what Kathleen Cole has to tell us about her chart The Anti-Inflammatory Food Guide
The Anti-inflammatory Food Guide researched and written by Kathleen Cole ND, has been designed to shift the balance from an inflammatory diet to anti-inflammatory. Some foods that are inflammatory but can be a part of a healthy diet such as organic meats or whole-grains can be made less inflammatory by adding anti-inflammatory herbs and spices or marinades high in anti-inflammatory nutrients.
Inflammation is considered a key mechanism in the development of many chronic diseases: diabetes, heart disease, cancer, alzheimers, autoimmunity etc. Although acute inflammation is a necessary process in healing following an infection or injury, this same process can be over-stimulated and become a systemic chronic inflammation that can damage blood vessels and organs.
Our bodies produce "prostaglandins" which are inflammatory or anti-inflammatory chemicals from nutrients. A diet high in inflammatory chemicals such as those found in processed foods, trans fats and refined sugar can lead to excessive production of inflammatory compounds. The consumption of certain anti-inflammatory nutrients high in omega 3 and antioxidants produces more anti-inflammatory prostaglandins and dampens down the inflammatory response.