- Helps ease an irritating cough
- May be most beneficial with a post-viral cough which tends to linger
- Helps support incessant coughing and tickling sensations in the throat
- Helps in the recovery of loss of voice.
The homeopathic ingredients in this formula are:
Belladonna: Tickling, short dry cough worse at night, Painful larynx and a high fever with a cough
Bryonia: Dry hacking cough, Worse at night, lying down and after eating or drinking, painful stitches in chest, presses hand on sternum to relieve pain, Worse entering warm room, expectoration rust coloured.
Hepar Sulph: Dry hoarse cough, cough worse cold or uncovering, Loose rattling cough worse morning, Choking cough
Rumex crispus: Dry tickling cough, Aggravated by pressure, talking inspiring cool air and at night, Thin watery, frothy expectoration later stringy and tough, Raw pain under clavical