Natures Nurse Head Lice Nit Remover. Stay free or head lice, with out nasty and harmful chemicals. Its easier to use, with rounded teeth which glide smoothly through hair, reducing tugs and pulls. Its more effective. The closely spaced comb teeth make removing head lice and nits easier. Its stronger long lasting. It wont break or bend - giving years of use. Sterilises in hot water. Ideally us in conjunction with Natures Nurse Lice Lather Shampoo and Preventative Spray. 1 comb
Nature's Nurse Guide to a quick and easy treatment with Lice Lather Treatment Shampoo.
First check for Lice or Nit Eggs. We recommend you lightly spray the Lice Lather Preventative Spray at the back of the head until damp, and then wet comb to find stunned lice bodies or nit eggs. You should also treat if you suspect your child has head lice (scratching back of head and behind ears is a sure sign).
Step 1: Wet hair in bath or shower. Use enough Lice Lather shampoo to cover hair well (5 to 10mls depending on hair length thickness).
Step 2: Lather into hair well.
Step 3: Leave on for 5 minutes.
Step 4: Rinse hair clean. If hair is long, fine or curly, follow with an everyday conditioner.
Step 5: Section hair and wet comb hair with long toothed metal comb to remove all dead lice and nits. This must be done while hair is wet. We recommend the Nature's Nurse Head Lice Nit Removal Comb - the style recommended by the USA National Pediculosis Society. Most lice will be dead or completely stunned. Those lice that have recently moulted may not be affected immediately - they will stop feeding and breeding over the next few days.The Lice Lather Treatment Shampoo also assists in the easy removal of nit eggs by breaking down the protein glue that holds nit eggs in place. Depending on the age of the lice in the hair, you may comb many live nit eggs out of the hair -which look like small brown or black grains of sand. Wipe comb on clean tissue often to remove dead lice and nits.
Go over hair often to ensure all nit eggs are removed, because if these nit eggs hatch, the infestation begins again.
IMPORTANT: Re- wash hair in 7 days - to ensure that any nit-eggs which may not have been combed out during treatment, and are now hatched, are treated.
Keep your family free of Head Lice in the future by minimising re-infestation -
Minimise cross-infestation by washing hair and treating all members of your family (including adults) at the same time.
Clean hair brushes, combs and Head LIce combs after treatments. Sterilise Head Lice comb in near boiling water, and scrub tines of comb clean. Wash brushes and combs in solution of 250mls (1cup) water to 5 mls of Lice Lather Treatment Shampoo. Remove all hair debris and allow to air dry.
Between hair-washes or after swimming - lightly spray your families hair with Lice Lather Preventative Spray. This makes the hair very bitter and unpleasant for Head Lice.
If your family is going to be in contact with a known source of headlice, give their hair a booster spray with the Lice Lather Preventative Spray.
Keep out of reach of Children.