Pau D'Arco bark comes from a tree that grows primarily in Argentina and Brazil. It contains a chemical called Lapachol.
Pau D'Arco, also called Taheebo, has been used traditionally to maintain a healthy circulatory system, support the immune system and for fungal conditions.
Supports the immune system
Fortifies against foreign invaders
Fortifies against foreign invaders
Add 1 heaped tablespoon to 950ml boiling water and remove from heat.
Steep for 20 minutes and strain. Makes 4 cups
Steep for 20 minutes and strain. Makes 4 cups
Per Tablespoon
Pau D'Arco Inner Bark (Tabebuia heptaphylla) 7000mg
Pau D'Arco Inner Bark (Tabebuia heptaphylla) 7000mg
Keep out of reach of children. Detoxification effects may occur, so it is recommended to start slowly and increase the dosage gradually.