- Description
- What is FSH
- How does the test work?
- When should the test be taken?
- What is included
- How to use
- Result Interpretation
PRIMA Labs Menopause FSH test kit contains 2 tests that will check the level of FSH hormone (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone) in urine, to help verify a possible high value.
This change generally begins around 45 years of age, but the real signs appear towards the age of 55. The irregularity of the menstrual cycle can be a first indicator of the beginning of menopause.
Menopause is a physiological event which corresponds to the end of the female fertile age. It is a rather slow change, which can start around 45 years of age, but its symptoms are constant at the age of 55.
The most frequent symptoms are: hot flashes, increased sweating, sleep disorders and palpitations. Menopause is also associated with the exhaustion of ovarian follicles and an increase in the level of circulating FSH. During the fertile age, this hormone induces follicle maturation and the Lh hormone secretion, responsible for ovulation. When a woman starts menopause, FSH continues to be produced and its concentration remains high because the ovulatory phase is no longer achieved and negative feedback on FSH production is not exercised. This is the reason why the concentration of FSH is controlled during the suspected beginning of this condition.
This test checks the concentration of FSH levels in urine, a hormone that is present in larger quantities during the menopause period.
Quick and safe results in just 5 minutes.
The Menopause Test is an immunochromatographic assay that detects FSH through special gold-conjugated monoclonal antibodies included in the reactive strip.
The Menopause-FSH Test is suitable for all women from 45 years of age who have experienced a period of absence of menstrual cycles or severe irregularity and disorders related to menopause, like hot flashes, increased sweating, sleep disorders and palpitations.
You can perform the Test at any time of day, but the first-morning urine contains a higher concentration of FSH, which is why you can achieve better results.
2 spoon devices
Instructions for use
Remove the protective cap and place the absorbing tip right under the flow of urine for at least 10 seconds;
Alternatively, collect the urine in a clean and dry container and dip the absorbing tip into the urine for 10 seconds;
Place the protective cap back onto the spoon device and wait 5 minutes before reading the result.
Negative - FSH levels are below the cut-off. This indicated that the menopause process has probably not started yet.
Positive - FSH concentration in urine is equal to or greater than 25mUI/mL. Repeat the test after 5-7 days, as FSH levels can vary throughout the month. In case of confirmation of positivity, consult a specialist.