ROAR Oil Those Hinges is a natural homeopathic blend specifically for supporting the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in pets “ in particular joint stiffness, inflammation and pain. It is a popular choice for owners of elderly pets and those who have been diagnosed with arthritis.
Homeopathic preparation of Calcium phosphorus, Kali muraticum, Ruta grav, Natrum phosphorus and sulphate and Rhus tox in a base of vegetable glycerin and distilled water
1 pump = 1 dose. If your pet drinks from their water bowl regularly, pump 2 doses into a clean water bowl daily. Alternatively, pump 1 dose onto a small piece of healthy treat twice daily.
Not recommended for use in animals 12 weeks and under as it may loosen the stool. Store in a cool place, away from direct sunlight, heat and strong scents. Do not refridgerate