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At What Age Should You Start Taking Collagen?

At What Age Should You Start Taking Collagen?

Firstly, collagen is the main protein structural component of our tissues, bones, tendons and our skin. And yep it’s true as we age collagen production decreases and contributes to ageing – including the wrinkles in our skin.

So what can we do?

Firstly, whatever age you are a healthy lifestyle including diet, sleep hygiene, stress resistance and a low toxic life will help you age more gracefully. As will not burning your skin with too much sunlight or even exposure to unnatural light such as blue light from devices (yes light from computers and phones ages our skin too).

How does consuming Collagen Peptides help maintain our collagen as we age?

Marine Collagen Peptides contain a blend of peptides made from the amino acids proline, hydroxyproline and glycine. These amino acids are the building blocks of our collagen. As they are found in the bones, skin and cartilage of animals they are not so easily found in our diet. Especially today where the animal muscle is predominantly eaten or a shift to more plant based diet. Thus consuming Collagen Peptides is a great way to boost your collagen promoting nutrients if boiling up bones or eating all parts of animals is not your cup of tea.

In your 20’s

Up until your mid 20’s collagen levels are abundant hence the lovely skin and healthy joints of this age. But actually now is the time to start to preserve your collagen and elastin yep prevention is better than cure. From the mid 20’s the gradual decline of collagen begins and continues at the rate of around 1.5% per year. So now is the time to add collagen peptides to your diet, don’t smoke, drink sensibly and refine a skin routine that works for your skin including a natural sunscreen for your face.

In your 30’s

During our 30’s the first signs of ageing can be seen, fine lines, dryness and it can start to fell less plump.

Now is the time to ensure you have a regular exercise program, limit sugar, smoking, stress and sun (especially on the face)

Boost skin nutrients – marine collagen, astaxanthin, vitamin C, E, essential fatty acids and B vitamins.

Topically find a range of anti-ageing skin care that complements your skin and boost UV protection naturally internally and externally with ingredients such as astaxanthin and tomato extract.   

In your 40’s

The signs of collagen depletion are more apparent with the skin becoming dryer and rougher, compromised further with hormonal fluctuations of pre-menopause.

Stress can become a major impact of life in your 40’s so take time out to make sure self-care is a priority and remember your nutrients. If lack of sleep or stress are affecting you combine your Marine Collagen powder with stress supporting ingredients like Ashwagandha.

Now is the time to try richer moisturises, oils and new serums to nourish the skin. Keep taking the Marine Collagen to give your body the building blocks to make collagen.

In your 50’s

Menopause unfortunately accelerates collagen loss so Collagen supplements are essential during this time. The skin also thins at this time and can become more sensitive. Revaluate your creams and potions making sure they are not aggravating your skin. Continue with your Marine Collagen and healthy lifestyle.

In your 60’s

Inflammation is on the increase at this age making it age and become more sensitive – so make sure you are following a low inflammatory diet and lifestyle. Combine Marine Collagen with anti-inflammatory ingredients like Turmeric and Boswellia. Nourish the skin with gentle oils and serums.

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