Each 5ml dose contains:
Dried herbs: Elecampane Root 156.25 mg, White Horehound and Coltsfoot 104.17 mg each, Pleurisy Root 20.83 mg, Kumarahou Flower 3.79 mg, Lobelia Inflata 31.23 mg (lobeline content <10 ppm), Cayenne Pepper Fruit 9.39 mg, Ginger Root 9.39 mg, Licorice
Root 5.23 mg, Plus Menthol 9.39 mg, Iodine 0.21 mcg.
Essential oils: Rosemary, Juniper Berry, Clove Bud, Pine Bark, Cedarwood, Lemon, Peppermint and Eucalyptus 0.0021 ml each.
In a base of Vegetable Glycerine, Irish Moss, Jojoba Oil, Celtic Sea Salt,
Citric Acid and Water.